
Email Templates

Email templates in are used to create engaging and consistent email communications with your users. By customizing the appearance and content of your emails, you can enhance the user experience and reinforce your brand identity.


Email templates in are built using React components and react-email, a library for rendering responsive HTML emails. The email templates are designed to be flexible and easy to customize, allowing you to create personalized email communications for various use cases.

Customizing Templates

To customize email templates in, you can modify the React components located in the packages/mailing/emails directory. Each email template is defined as a separate React component that includes the necessary HTML for rendering the email content.

Here's an example of a simple email template component:

import { Link } from "@react-email/components";
import type { MailProps, MailTemplate } from "../types";
import Body from "./components/Body";
import CTA from "./components/CTA";

type TestProps = MailProps<
    url: string;
    greeting: string;

const defaultMessages: TestProps["messages"] = {
  greeting: "Hello!",

const Test: MailTemplate<TestProps> = ({ url = "test", messages = defaultMessages }) => {
  return (
      <Link href={url}>

export default Test;

In this example, the Test component defines a simple email template that displays a greeting message. You can customize the content of the email by updating the messages object with your desired text and styling.

The MailProps type defines the context and messages variables that the email template expects, while the MailTemplate type specifies the structure of the email template component. By following this pattern, you can create reusable email templates that can be easily customized, localized and extended for different use cases.

Generating a Template

To generate a new email template you can use the mailing/email generator. To create a new template, follow these steps:

  1. Open your terminal and navigate to the root of your project directory.
  2. Run the following command:
turbo gen email
  1. Enter the name of the new email template when prompted.
  2. The generator will create a new email template component in the packages/mailing/emails directory with the specified name.