
Mailing Overview

The mailing features in allow you to send transactional emails and other types of email communications to your users. With support for popular email providers and customizable templates, you can create engaging email correspondence that enhances your user experience.

Supported Email Providers supports the following email providers out of the box:

  • SendGrid: A cloud-based email service that provides reliable delivery and analytics for your email campaigns.
  • Resend: A simple email service that allows you to send transactional emails and track email opens and clicks.
  • SMTP: includes built-in support for sending emails using SMTP. You can configure your SMTP settings in the environment variables to start sending emails from your application.


Learn how to customize email templates in

SendGrid Integration

Learn how to integrate SendGrid with

Resend Integration

Learn how to integrate Resend with

SMTP Configuration

Learn how to configure SMTP settings in

Configuring the send address

In packages/config/mail.ts you can configure the sender address for your emails. This is the address that will appear in the "From" field of the email.

export const mail = {
  from: '',

Sending Emails

To send an email in your application, you can use the sendMail function from the mailing package. Here's an example of sending a welcome email to a new user:

import { getTranslations } from 'intl'
import { sendMail } from 'mailing'

const t = await getTranslations(user.locale)
await sendMail('signup', {
  subject: t('emails.signup.subject'),
  ctx: {
    url: url.toString(),
  messages: {
    greeting: t('emails.signup.greeting'),
    explanation: t('emails.signup.explanation'),
    useLink: t('emails.signup.useLink'),
    rawLink: t('emails.signup.rawLink'),
    cta: t('emails.signup.cta'),

Note that the sendMail function takes a template name (e.g., signup) and an object with the email details, such as the subject, recipient, and context variables for the template. The mailing package includes a set of default email templates that you can customize to fit your application's branding and content.

You may omit the messages object if you want to use the default messages for the template.
