
Stripe Integration

Stripe is a popular payment gateway that allows you to accept credit card payments and manage subscriptions. In this guide, you will learn how to integrate Stripe with and start accepting payments in your application.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following:

  • A Stripe account: You can sign up for a free account on the Stripe website.
  • At least one product and price created in your Stripe account: You can create products and prices in the Stripe Dashboard.

Creating a Product and Price in Stripe

Stripe Products
Stripe Products

On the products page in the Stripe Dashboard, click the "Add product" button to create a new product. Enter the product details, such as name, description, and image. You can also create multiple prices for the product, each with different billing intervals, amounts and currencies.

Configure the Stripe Provider

Limit Subscriptions to One Plan

Stripe Checkout Settings
Stripe Checkout Settings

In your Stripe Dashboard, go to the Checkout settings page and enable the "Limit customers to 1 subscription" option. This setting ensures that customers can only subscribe to one plan at a time.

Make sure to set "Direct customers to manage their subscription on" to "Your website" to allow customers to manage their subscriptions directly from your application.

The "Customer portal" URL should be set to https://your-app-url/app/settings/account/billing. Replace your-app-url with the URL of your application.

Locale Pricing

In packages/config/billing.ts, set the corresponding currency and locale:

export const localeCurrencies: Record<Locale, Currency> = {
  en: "USD",
  de: "EUR",

Webhook Configuration

Creating a Webhook in Stripe
Creating a Webhook in Stripe

In the Stripe Dashboard, go to the webhooks page and click the "Add endpoint" button to create a new webhook. Enter the URL of your application's webhook endpoint (e.g., https://your-app-url/api/webhook/stripe) and select the following events:

  • customer.subscription.created
  • customer.subscription.updated
  • customer.subscription.deleted

Copy the signing secret provided by Stripe and add it to your environment variables as STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET.


In your Stripe Dashboard, go to the API keys page to obtain your secret API key. Add this key to your environment variables STRIPE_SECRET_KEY.

Enable Stripe as the Payment Gateway

In packages/billing/src/providers/index.ts, change the export instruction to include the Stripe provider:

export { provider, providerId, webhook } from './stripe'
Usage Limits